Date | Sunrise | Sunset | Length of day |
Today | 07:53 | 17:30 | 9.5 hour |
Tomorrow | 07:54 | 17:28 | 9.5 hour |
04 November 2024 | 07:56 | 17:27 | 9.5 hour |
05 November 2024 | 07:58 | 17:25 | 9 hour |
06 November 2024 | 08:00 | 17:23 | 9 hour |
07 November 2024 | 08:01 | 17:22 | 9 hour |
08 November 2024 | 08:03 | 17:20 | 9 hour |
09 November 2024 | 08:05 | 17:18 | 9 hour |
10 November 2024 | 08:07 | 17:17 | 9 hour |
11 November 2024 | 08:08 | 17:15 | 9 hour |
Month | Sunrise | Sunset | Length of day |
January | 09:02 | 17:01 | 7.5 hour |
February | 08:35 | 17:48 | 9 hour |
March | 07:42 | 18:39 | 10.5 hour |
April | 07:32 | 20:32 | 13 hour |
May | 06:28 | 21:22 | 14.5 hour |
June | 05:44 | 22:08 | 16 hour |
July | 05:42 | 22:21 | 16.5 hour |
August | 06:19 | 21:49 | 15.5 hour |
September | 07:08 | 20:48 | 13.5 hour |
October | 07:57 | 19:39 | 11.5 hour |
November | 07:49 | 17:33 | 9.5 hour |
December | 08:39 | 16:54 | 8 hour |
Today, the sun rises in Billericay at 07:53 local time (time zone Europe/Amsterdam).
Today, the sun sets in Billericay at 17:30 local time (time zone Europe/Amsterdam).
Once the sun is set, it doesn't automatically mean it's fully dark outside. There's also something called dusk. Dusk is the period of time in which it's still a little light outside after sunset or before sunrise. When it's dusk outside, the sky is slightly lit up, but the sun is still below the horizon.The length of dusk depends on the season of the year. If you want to enjoy dusk today in Billericay, your best option would be to stick with the time of sunset, because it will be dusk right after sunset.
The sunset usually makes for beautiful pictures, which is why we've selected some amazing photos of the sunset in Billericay.
The equator of the sun is 695 kilometers long.